So maybe History Teacher thinks my choices of CAS activities are suspect (sleeping around and running an underground magazine – one allegation false, the other true) but at least I don’t act like this in History class:
HT: …so then Reagan sold nukes to Iran *pauses so class can take notes*
Class: *taking notes*
Roi: Did you know the elderly are having more sex than we think?
Class: !?!WTFLOLZ
Me: What does that have to do with anything at all?
Roi: No, seriously, they are!
HT: ooookay... So Iran was fighting with Iraq…
HT: Why are political prisoners imprisoned?
Roi: Politically!
HT: Who can tell me something about Henry Kissinger?
Me: Oh! Oh! He was secretary of state!
HT: Yes. Who can tell me what he was before that?
Roi: German!
HT: ……I’m pretty sure he was German his entire life.
**(Roi would like me to point out that she was joking. HT’s reaction was still hilarious.)
HT: Someone e-mailed me the other day... The email “love2kitty” isn’t going to go over well with employers and colleges.
Stealth: Wait, how is “kitty” a verb?
EF: Hey, hang on, I never e-mailed you!
HT: Pop quiz! Write the name of these events and their dates. *shows slide*
Class: This is cruel and unusual! We don’t know the date for this!
HT: Ok, I’ll give you this one as a freebie. March 32, 1965.
Class: Har har.
Goa: Wait, Mr. HT! That’s not a real – oh. *erases*
HT: We're talking about the theories of a man named Melvin Lifflen.
Me: Melville what?
HT: Melvin. Lifflen. Just say Lifflen.
Me: Melvin Lifflen!? What kind of name is that?
Roi: Sounds like something out of Dr. Seuss.
Me: *snrk*
...HT lecturing...
Someone in class: Wait, so why didn't the military do that?
HT: I don't know. Lifflen didn't talk much about that.
Roi: He was too busy talking about the wocket in his pocket!
Me: /incapacitated by giggle
HT: What was Stalin good at?
Class: Bluffing!
Roi: I bet they played lots of poker at Potsdam. Potsdam Poker Playing Conference! Like the CCCP - except PPPC!
HT: Be quiet.
HT: Over less than ten years, Stalin was sent to Siberia six times. He escaped five times.
Roi: So he was just like in and out; "Hey guys, it's me again!"
Stealth: He had a season pass.
Someone: So Stalin killed a lot of people?
Stealth: Oh yeah. At least five.