Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Day In The Life = Comic Style!

With a few notable exceptions, IB places all of its emphasis on research-based learning rather than creativity. We're not expected to come up with new ideas, just to put other people's ideas together comprehensively with proper citations and credit. So, in true IBer fashion, I've stolen someone else's idea and am presenting my version of it, with appropriate credit due (but don't expect to see parenthetical documentation).
The idea came from this guy: http://www.hourlycomic.com/ who does a comic every hour; little doodles that capture the minutae of every hour in his life. I adapted the format beyond a two-panel comic and instead of "every waking hour", comicked every period in the school day.
If this gets a positive response - if you guys like it - I'll try and do it every month or so. If you all hate it, then I'll stick to my sporadically-updated writings. And if I do do it again, I promise more legible, larger writing. Apologies. Also if you click on them they'll open up bigger.


Anonymous said...

lovelovelove the concept, reading it in class, and inspiring the drawings.

it was hard to read, but you knew that.

my leg hurt, but you weren't supposed to draw it! (or make my hair look sucky. :D)

wrestler tutoring sounded fun. who hit on you?

today was a good day.

Monica said...

that was great.
i say continue.

Companionable Ills said...

could you guys click it to open it up bigger? Because it's not working on my computer and i know it's impossible to read the way it is in the post.

Anonymous said...

bahahaha the mysterious comb.
i second monica.
i couldn't get it to get bigger, but it was a good excercise for my eyeballs.

Companionable Ills said...

aw, man! I'm sorry you guys. my handwriting is crap enough without being microscopic. I will fix that with the next comics. But I have a few actual blogs backed up to use until then.