Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Things To Occupy You Over Break #1: Videos

Here are some video serieses (seri?) that I adore. They're all addictive, though, so be prepared to sit glued to your screen for a while.

This is feminist comedy/social commentary that points out, then ridicules, messages from the media that women today are bombarded with. She covers things like the Disney Princesses, cleaning products, car advertisements, and botox. If it sounds heavy-handed, fret not: all of the straight white males I've shown it to laugh just as hard as the girls, and many have expressed the desire to marry the female host.
After watching it, exclamations such as "Happy period control!," "Underpants!" and "she's looking like a chubster!" will make perfect sense, and commercials for cleaning products may either arouse or enrage you.

Not to be confused with the, er, beverage, Jack Danyells is a guy who yells about abuses and misuses of the English language. Sometimes he sings. He is funny. His intro is disgustingly catchy. You will never say "very unique" or be able to enjoy the song "Ironic" ever again.

Zefrank is an adorably cuddly vlogger who kept a daily vlog for an entire year that covered current events, his own life, and dirty space news. It spawned so many in-jokes among his tight-knit, wiki-connected audience that after watching ten or so episodes, you'll feel like part of an exclusive club (but only if you watch them in order). It's silly, hilarious, and just plain fantastic. You will find yourself greeting people with "sports racers, racing sports!," asking "who likes the little little duckies in the pond?" and referring to Google as "our great and glorious leader." You will also be able to whisper "are the new viewers gone yet?" after every ridiculous thing you do.

Pretty self-explanatory. Everything you ever wanted to put into a microwave but had the good sense not to has been put into a microwave and videotaped for your amusement and education. They do glowsticks, fireworks, apples, an etch-a-sketch, an inhaler, an iPod, a rubix cube, a barbie doll, a motherboard, and tons more. If only all of our childhoods had been equipped with a ventilated, aluminum-foiled saferoom for microwaving stuff.

This is not a series but it needs to be here. The audio is a recording of a guy who took some sort of illicit substance (our theories are shrooms or PCP), and the animation is, um, a lizard someone decided was necessary to animate it. My friends think the guiding theme behind his string-of-consciousness nonsense is him saying before getting messed up, "this isn't going to do anything to me, I'm more badass than that," hence his constant exclamations of "that ain't real!" and "no way!" after he addresses his hallucinations. Every single line in it is a potent quotable, but my personal favorites are the walkway bit and "they're like the clocks, I love 'em."


Monica said...


seahorses. foreva.

Companionable Ills said...

isn't that the best thing ever? I love the total shock in his voice when he says "whose chair is that!?" it's like the chair has just attacked him.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I miss you. Thought I'd check up on CI.

Current tv is THE AWESOME!
Thanks for sharing Target Women. I am glad I can resort to the clips when no one else will relate to my cynicism (or perhaps constructive criticism?).

love you!