Monday, January 21, 2008

IB Peanut Gallery

TOK is the quintessential IB class. We tell regulars that it's a "philosophy" to save ourselves the explanation. The majority of IB in-jokes originate in TOK class and the nature of the class allows (and even encourages) us to take an idea or a project and just run with it (for example, creating an imaginary classmate named Fidel Castro). It also helps that we have an awesome teacher (and honest I'm not just saying that because she reads this. Hi TOKT!). TOKT is the kind of teacher who's flexible and excitable, so if we come up with something we're more into than the lesson plan, she'll let things run their course and let us run wild. It's constructive, guided Montessori-style anarchy at its very best. Our assignment was to describe peanuts and let other groups try and guess which peanut was ours from our written descriptions. But some of us started personifying our peanuts and getting attached to them, so TOKT brought out boxes of markers and had us decorate our peanuts, then made a little peanut stand/stage for me to photograph them. She got really into it, encouraging the class to give their peanuts personalities and to put them on the stage "for the blog! for Sal's blog!" We had an awesome time. Here are some of the peanuts:

The peanuts on their little peanut stand/stage. The one being held is my peanut. It has a little peanut-nut thing peeking out of a hole. I gave him eyes and named him Claude.
This is Claude peeking out from his peanut house. The sparkly nail polish is mine. It turns red in the sun.
Elvis Peanut!
The orange one is sleepy.
Rubix made his peanut into a squirrel.

This is Penguin King Peanut.
Penguin King Peanut sitting on his creator's shoulder.
Roi named her peanut Mr. Angrynut and described him as "shaped like a clog, like from Holland."This is Mr. Angrynut.


Anonymous said...

And he is ANGRY!

haha, also constipated.

i loved the comment about your nail polish. totally relevant.

this is me not writing my TOK rough draft. TOKT, if you're reading this, i'm lying. I'm already done with the rough draft. (okay, not really)


Companionable Ills said...

haha. of course, I carefully craft everything I say on this blog to be perfectly necessary and relevant.


haha I love the guilty shout-out to TOKT there.