Saturday, January 12, 2008

TOKT Loved This

First off, I’d like to apologize for not updating as frequently as promised. The first semester of IB was so crazy intensely busy and the second one is shaping up to be the same way... so I’ll just be updating this sporadically when I have time and ideas.

Okay, I decided when I started this blog that it would not be for ranting about all the crap we were going through at the time because I consider myself mildly intelligent and have a good grasp of action-consequence relationships as well as the vastly public nature of the web. You readers did miss out on some hilariously scathing tirades against... stuff... but anyway because of this, the introduction to this is as follows:
One day, one class was somewhat slow, and Roi and I got kind of bored, and started passing this story back and forth and adding to it. I’m the purple and she’s the red. I had a ton of fun with it; playing into all the how-not-to-write fallbacks of melodramatic and self-important romance and sci-fi (the two genres that are the easiest to suck at, imo).

Once upon a time there was a zombie robot who fell in love. His paramour was a vampire pirate wench who was fascinated by his advanced technology. One night they went walking under the moonlight. She gazed lovingly at his sparkling body under the starlight where the brilliant silver shone under the zombie rust. She knew their love could undo the damage years of oxidation had done to his heart. All of a sudden there was a FLASH of lightning!

The bolt reflected off the lightpole and struck his heart. It glowed with the energy of the storm, and sparked onto her dress. Her dress caught fire and she ran into the sea where her pirate ship waited dark and silent. The zombie robot could not follow her into the water and the heartbroken wailing beep was carried by the ocean wind to the ears of the undead werewolf waiting on the ship for his enemy the vampire pirate wench.

His crew had grown weary waiting for the impending battle; they would rejoice at the news of her return to the sea. The werewolf found pleasure in the forlorn beep of the robot’s heart, knowing he could use the robot to his advantage. Glancing back at her love, the vampire pirate wench saw him carried away by undead werewolves. She knew from his blank eyes that they had pressed his Standby button. Torn between her disabled robot zombie prince and her prized ship now swarming with enemies, she drew her sword, bared her fangs and charged into the surf toward the ship with passion in her heart and war in the rest of her. The undead werewolves frothed with anticipation as they collected their weapons and prepared for battle. When they saw their enemy approaching, they rapidly disembarked, leaving a few behind to watch the captive robot. She met them in the surf, her sword and teeth moving like celestial bodies in orbit, perfectly following through from path to target. Many werewolves went down but soon she was surrounded, outnumbered. The image of her robot love came into her head and along with it came an idea. Swiftly she replaced her sword in its scabbard and raised her hands in surrender. Soon she would be on board, close to the zombie robot.

Meanwhile, aboard the enemy vessel, the guards watching the robot had taken a break to watch the battle. One of the stray dogs aboard the ship began sniffing around the robot. He leapt onto two feet to sniff the robot’s head. In the process, he bumped the standby button. By the time the vampire pirate wench was carried aboard, the zombie robot was waiting for her on deck. Their eyes met in mutual bloodthirsty love and in a flash of fangs and lasers the werewolves released their hold, falling back from the attack in defeat. “Where is the undead werewolf leader?” she asked him, glancing around the ship, empty save for the bodies of incapacitated werewolves strewn about the deck.
“I vaporized him in the skirmish.”

She sighed, satisfied in the clanking, angular arms of her hero. A cool sea breeze billowed through the sails and made her cape ripple like the waters beneath. A ray of sunlight appeared on deck and in the misty dawn the werewolves morphed back into harmless canines. With the robot as first mate, she sailed the ship to a deserted island, where she released the pack of canines. Afterward, they returned to her ship to decide their future.


Anonymous said...

oh gosh, we're awesome.


Anonymous said...

i just discovered that on our school website, on the IB information page, the header is "The International Baccalaureate."

did Bio Teacher from last year write the site?


Companionable Ills said...

the real question is what were you bothering with our school website for? their web design rivals FotF.