Wednesday, May 16, 2007

In IB, This Is Totally Normal

A few little announcements for the people at my high school who read this…

1.) Happy Birthday! to one of the senior boys. Happy 18th, Tilapia, much love and have fun in California!
2.) This is kinda late, but good luck everyone on their IB tests! With a little luck the IB Graders in Kenya or Mexico or Mars or wherever will have mercy on our souls.

Now onto our previously scheduled update.

In IB, This Is Totally Normal:

~Hearing “don’t forget to take your cocaine packets home and do them!” as you leave Psych class. (our teacher was, of course, referring to packets of PAPER with questions about cocaine use)

~Calling the White House from your second hour class. (while watching All The President’s Men, I asked if just anyone could really call up the White House. History Teacher looked up the number and we called and talked to the switchboard operator)

~ Finding out that some classmates of yours started a new political party. (And realizing that they’d probably do a better job running the country than the people who are trying it now)

~ “Ted Kennedy killed your mom!” jokes. En Espanol.

~ Having your locker attacked and crammed randomly with ten-year-old Mac software CDs.

~ “Just dump the bodies in the back of the room” (referring to the Psych drawings immortalized in a previous entry)

~ “So, it really means nothing?” “Yes, which is why it means something.” (Discussing Going After Cacciato)

~My mother: Sal! Why are there always so many towels on the floor of the bathroom? It’s like they appear there by osmosis!
Me: Uh, osmosis is the diffusion of water through membranes and has nothing to do with why Bro can’t clean up after himself.
Mom: So they appear by spontaneous combustion?
Me: Try spontaneous generation, Mom.
Mom: Well are you going to pick up the bathroom?
Me: No.
(My mother is actually a very intelligent woman – she just doesn’t remember the how-does-this-apply-to-real-life-at-all vocabulary lessons)

~Participating in a prank with the senior class that requires your entire class to go to a different classroom on the other side of campus, and realizing that every single classmate of yours is there before the late bell rings. (as Roi put it, “you know it’s IB when everyone’s in the wrong classroom on time.”)

~Ex: Well if Duckie got a B on his oral, then everyone’s obviously going to do well.
Me: Hey now, that’s not good self-efficacy for Duckie JANE ELIOT 1968!
(when studying for the Psych IB final gets to be too much)

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