Friday, January 18, 2008

I'll Bust A Cap In Yo Run-On Sentence!

Extended Essays are due tomorrow [I wrote this yesterday], so naturally I’m making good use of my time and... writing a blog for you people. Shut up, I’m taking a break.

IB kids are all smart, but similar IQs don’t mean similar minds. I gave my paper to four people (K, Roi, Monica, and Frenchie, in that order) to make editing marks, and it became a forum for idiosyncratic disagreement and one-sided debate.

It started out friendly – Monica changed a semicolon to a colon and Frenchie added “I agree”. He backed her up by re-phrasing her question of “whose?” by writing “the narrators’?” (Actually he wrote something like “narralûeez’” which I assume means narrators’. He has funny handwriting.) Roi wrote “I agree” or “Word.” under some of K’s comments.

The tone changed quickly when Frenchie wrote “Makes sense to me...” under a comment by Monica that one of my claims didn’t make sense and “uh, why not?” after Roi told me not to capitalize a word within a quotation. K changed a word, claiming that my original sounded awkward, but Frenchie asserted that “Meh, I think either word is fine”. Some verb-tense confusion led to someone mistakenly crossing out an “s”, which Frenchie circled with the assertion that “this person is dumb”. K responded to my mention of “archetypal symbols” by telling me that my discussion was more of “symbols in the setting rather than archetypes”, but Roi jumped to my defense by circling the word “river”, drawing an arrow to K’s comment and writing “archetype!” K wanted a topic sentence for a paragraph but Frenchie insisted that it was only a continuation of the previous paragraph and instead should be merged.
Ah, IB kids. Regulars throw punches, but we believe the red pen is mightier than the sword. Yo momma's so dumb, she thinks a dangling modifier is a boob job!
(Okay, that last joke was awful. I make no apologies. EE fried my brain.)


Brennan said...

I definitely wrote "narrators'". Maybe you should learn to read before trying to analyze literature ;-)

Companionable Ills said...

har har. you should learn to write. and I'm just going to refer to you as brennan from now on since you insist on destroying your anonymity in your comments.

Brennan said...

What, destroying my anonymity means I lose nickname privileges? *cry*

Companionable Ills said...

fine you can stay Frenchie but you don't have a nickname for me!

Anonymous said...

OMG BRENNAN READ SAL'S EE! Don't let the juniors rewrite your paper! malpractice! malpractice! malpractice!

Thank God we're done with EEs.

Except for brennan. haha.

:D TOKizzle makes us IB gangsters.

Companionable Ills said...

brennan's 18 so, uh, he doesn't count?

also nowhere in the IB dealybopper did it say not to let juniors see it. esp. considering they give us previous examples of A papers... our junior year! Stupid. (The dealybopper did, however, say that our EEs are the intellectual property of the IBO, which stings SO bad) Also why do they call them "A" papers when the "markband system" doesn't use letter grades?
Also what in the world is a "markband" anyway?

and heck yeah we be representin our IB gangsta homies. DO NOT STEP TO ME! DON'T STEP FORWARDS, STEP BACKWARDS!

Good thing the internet isn't real life or I'd get shot.

Monica said...

That was really entertaining. "Regulars throw punches, but we believe the red pen is mightier than the sword." You are so clever.

Nahid calls it extended essay-itis.

And Brennan, no complaining. I have never had nickname privileges.

Roi and Sal: at Ragefest Everyday Sunday promoted their new cd a couple times and every time I would think of you and laugh because the album title is Wake Up, Wake Up.

Companionable Ills said...

monica: you can pick a nickname and have it. i just used monica since you were already commenting as monica and figured a nickname would be pointless.

also, Roi and I are now in your brain. Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

wake up, wake up, wake up!

Sal, what's the blog equivalent of HT's nickname for us? RoiSa?
Salro? help me here.

Monica: i love Everyday Sunday, but i haven't heard the new album. I have Stand Up though.

Intellectual property?! what does that mean?! they can steal our ideas/papers as long as we didn't plagiarize/contaminate? haha.


Anonymous said...

oh oh! i want a nickname :(
it doesn't even have to be p.c!

Companionable Ills said...

nahid: I have a policy of making people pick their own nicknames to prevent people being annoyed at me for naming them. (exceptions: Duckie, Ex, and Rubix). So, pick one and you've got it.

roi: I like Salro. It sounds more annoying. and intellectual property means they can publish it, use it, do what they want with it - it's as if they wrote it and own exclusive rights.
Imagine if the rest of the world worked like that. "And the Oscar for Best Screenplay goes to... Some Random Swiss Dude? What?"
"Well, Georgie, you really got elected* but technically the presidency goes to the IBO. Looks like America won't be invading Iraq after all."

*this is debatable

Anonymous said...

thank God the bureaucracy of the IBO only extends to the HS level.
and does not include blogging rights.

always remember, in Soviet Russia, IBO owns YOU!

except, that's not really Russian reversal, since that's how it is anyway.

:[ oh, the irony.

Companionable Ills said...

in Soviet Russia, YOU own the IBO!

let's all move there.

we'll need some parkas, some extra bread, some russian/english dictionaries, and a time machine.

Anonymous said...

that should be a new IB subject.

IB Russian Reversal HL

"You have 30 seconds to determine why all the toilets in Russia flush the opposite way, why Lenin instituted the New Economic Plan, and why all the buildings look like ice cream cones. Oh, and you have to answer in Russian. Note how this test question has nothing to do with Soviet Russia, other than Lenin."

I'm a dunce.

Companionable Ills said...

hahaha. The test will be graded by "bandmarks".


Brennan said...

I've never laughed so hard reading comments to a blog.