Tuesday, May 20, 2008

IB Studying

I do have an end-of-IB post planned but it's not for today. Today I have Biomedical physics! Roi got a bunch of IB review packets and decided quickly to give up on biomedical physics, so I helped her study by filling out the packet. It's like 60 pages and most of my answers are random nonsense that I swear are hilarious after an hour of Spanish class (it's like pot, really), but here are some highlights:

Suggest why it is preferable to use this isotope for imaging the thyroid rather than iodine-131: Because it show's off the thyroid's curves better

State a possible cause of the hearing loss:
Frederick: Susanna yelled at him
Susanna: Frederick punched her

State and and explain one situation in which these diagnostic techniques would be used:
X-rays: Superman killing bad guys
Ultrasound: Sonic the hedgehog killing bad guys
Nuclear magnetic resonance: George Bush killing bad guys

Outline two precautions an X-ray machine operator should take to minimize his/her exposure to X-rays: Don't have sex with/in the X-ray machine

State one way in which a B-scan differs from an A-scan: It can't call for help from the A-team
(Explain, with reference to the diagram, why the force P and the compression force S on the spine are much greater than the weight of W on the upper body of the person)

Ah, Spanish class. So excruciating it makes Chuck Norris jokes hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Sal's help came in handy on the day of the IB exam!


record time: Ex, with 10 minutes.

oh, physics options...

Monica said...

hahaha, you're the best.