Thursday, August 21, 2008

Apparently I Think With Lots of Dashes

While packing to leave, I came across one of the many tiny little notebooks I carry around in my purse to write down whatever thought, observation, eavesdropped quote or other notes that need immediate recording. Thought you guys might be interested in the ephemera of me processing the outside world. Also, I'd really like to put off packing for a little while longer and have been too busy to write real stuff for CI. Here are some of the little things I decided to jot down.  
The Spiral Staircase: Karen Armstrong 
Jeremiah 29:22 
The lie that tells a truth 
status: high/low/liquid 
breathing (speech) 
counterpoints; for (left arrow) find (right arrow) 
prismacolor markers
Natalie Goldberg: writing down the bones/wild mind 
raya - purple 
blue crabs - mate once in their life :( 
whisper disks 
"the last time you dressed me up to take me somewhere I ended up with more back-handed compliments than you could think of, and herpes." 
when she is not in love 
glass and brick
the most beautiful world is a world entered through imagination (Helen Keller)
something else 
Godless man-oriented city v. nature - good 
forgot to see the sky
Alice Flaherty
gets caught - "waiting for appointment" - uses name from last building
Sabaduria - knowledge 
camera - herself, flash, city - beeps until love throws away 
ice (cubes) 
Appellate practice for the MD lawyer 
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it (Twain)
"I lied about my age once at airport security and am afraid they have it on file somewhere" 
motivation - confident
black gothic spires (europe)
speaks big, wants longs seeks to be heard, grabs your shoulders and shakes, talks too close to your face
Tao te Ching - #11
thunder heartbeat
backwards/upside-down O
people walking - NOT ants
a cycle of wrongs, everyone gets hurt by the system set in place to help them Switchfoot - Stars - track one 
they came right for you.
Creativity, like human life, begins in darkness (Julia Cameron) 
Non c'e amore piu sincero di quello de cibo 
caffienated kiss 
Erik Erikson Identity
Madagascar 120 million years
leo Nisseras
light - only 1/2 reflection; melts into city
hope is a waking dream (Aristotle)
you can't copy it like rhinestones
can you feel the life in the air where you are?
midnight thoughts demanding

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you remember where the lie about age to airport security quote is from? because i pretty distinctly remember reading it in context but don't remember for sure where.

p.s. first comment from my new laptop!