Saturday, April 7, 2007

Target does not like Scavenger Hunts

Last night, a couple of the senior boys set up a scavenger hunt for a bunch of their friends (almost all in IB), and it was hella fun! Proof that IB kids really can have a killer time, stay out till curfew, and annoy Target employees. We divided into two teams of four (which were later added to as more people arrived) and had an hour to drive around town taking photographs of team members with the items on the lists. We did this three times with three different lists of ten items.
Some of the things just required luck and a bit of attention, such as “tagging” (which we jumped a fence to get to, as we couldn’t park on the highway, so we parked in the parking lot of a sex-toy store right near my school and laughed at the couples coming out with shopping bags) and “a painting” (which we found in a closed Starbucks, so we took a photo of a group member pressed against their window). Others required a little bit of ingenuity, like “three things mentioned in the title of a movie” – we used a toy penguin, a Finding Nemo toy, and a Cinderella Barbie; and “all group members holding things that rhyme” – we used a lock, a clock, a sock and some baby blocks. Still others took balls. For “guy in a pink shirt”, we gave up trying to find one and instead went into a clothing store, grabbed one off the racks, and asked a man waiting for his girlfriend to try on clothes to model it for us, which he agreed to. An “emo kid” also let us take a picture with her, and a mother let us photograph her baby. We got shot down by a Target security guard who wouldn’t take a photo with us for “person in uniform”, so we got some Target employees out for a smoke break in the background of a photo. We cheated on a few – for “construction vehicle” we used a toy Tonka truck, but for others we were serious – for “every team member on a swing set”, we all squished onto two swings (at this point we had 5 team members) and held out the camera at arm’s length to take the photo.
Other highlights: These things were al about speed – we all piled into someone’s car and zipped around our town looking for things. At one point, for the “arrow” sign, my friend and I jumped out of the car as it was stopped for a left turn into a parking lot, and darted onto the median. (On the way, we got whistled at by an old guy in a pickup truck – gross!) By the end of the night, our team had two girls in walking casts, but we still made good time, thanks to powerful cars and piggyback rides from the two guys on the team.
Upon asking someone in Target to take a photo of us all holding “things that begin with the first letter of all team member’s names”, one of the employees (who has a history of following my friends around in the store) told us that we couldn’t take photos in Target! Why, I’m not quite sure, but the other team got the same scolding as well.
For “barbed wire”, we stopped outside of a juvenile detention center and took a photo of the security fence, which aroused the interest of the security guards, so we left.
Disclaimer: We did nothing illegal (with the possible exception of take photos in Target?) or dangerous; just mildly irritating and stupid.
We never actually tallied points, but I’m pretty sure our team won. Afterwards, we all went to a nearby 5&Diner and had ice cream and made a lot of noise.

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