Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More 1000BWC Highlights

IB scores came out this week.
You'd think I'd have more to say about that.
I don't.
I drew this, mostly becayse ladybugs are the one thing I can draw without hating myself completely. Jono added the menorah, I think so Roi's "religion" card would discard it, though I don't know why since it's positive points.
This is one of mine. The irony of the card is that almost every single card ever made for 1000BWC either is, or becomes, an inside joke. The game itself is almost an inside joke. Bonus points for anyone who knows the source of the "No ah hate munkehs!" drawing.

(Awesome Asian) was kind of quiet during the game, but he made some awesome cards.

Roi and I are convinced that Freud was gay for Carl Jung, but that's a blog for another day. Someone played this card to Tilapia, who determined that the next card (which was about bears) meant that the person drawing it had been deprived of teddy bears and other affection as a child.

Jono made this. Apparently Stanford's application doesn't include a "draw a crab" section.

This card makes me laugh but I can't tell who drew it. Nigiri added the "trillion" and played it to Roi, who told him he couldn't alter cards. He responded by writing "this card is homosexual" on one of my cards.

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