Tuesday, April 8, 2008

IB Arts and Crafts, Senior Edition

The last half of the third quarter really sucked. School dragged as we scrambled to finish CAS hours, said sad goodbyes to the extracurriculars that got us through the first semester, counted the days until spring break and plodded through massive amounts of homework that felt more and more pointless as the college acceptances, scholarships, orientation invitations, and other finalizations trickled in. We reacted to the misery the same way any group of frustrated, beaten people do: We complained, plotted rebellion, and in the meantime, created art.
These are play-doh superheroes one of my friends made in Spanish class (unfortunately for you guys, any amusing Spanish-class related rants violate my "don't publish negative stuff online" policy. Ah, Spanish class.)
It was my play-doh, which I brought because we were doing some Calc project on cross-sections. It was supposed to look like this:
But everyone agreed, this was the favorite:
Then of course there's the TOK Graffiti wall. We're learning about sociolinguistics in TOK and so we did an 'experiment' in which TOKT put up a big sheet of butcher paper and we were supposed to graffiti on it - anything we wanted. After a week we would analyze the graffiti. It ended up being a perfect self-portrait of IB - seethingly, angrily frustrated but somehow tolerant activism (obvious in the political and religious sentiments); comfortable familiarity and communal love (evident in the inside jokes and homoerotic teasing); and a large amount of pointless comedic non-sequiturs. I can't think of a better summation (barring Dante's Inferno) of what it means to be part of an IB class.

 These are pretty self-explanatory, but the "Make me a sandwhich, woman" was written by Stealth, the lovable pseudo-sexist of the class, but the girls figured his spelling mistake rendered it  the non-sequitur "Make me a sand, which woman?" and added punctuation accordingly.
 That's my "LOVE: we have bombs" (a reference to this). Note someone changed "bombs" to "boobs". The quote in red at the bottom says "nematodes are people too".
This may not be art, but it's a structure with a purpose (architecture?). This is the Contraption we came up with to hold the projector cord at a specific angle to prevent the screen from flashing yellow/red/green/blue/purple tints, after we gave up on using it to turn TOK class into a rave. The Juniors refer to it as the Projector of Doom. It took six of us to put this together (minds of the future, unite!).

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