Sunday, December 21, 2008

So, about me making promises I don't keep...

Some of my more astute readers may have noticed that I said the blog would resume posting in October, but then it did not. Oops.
If you all have it in your hearts to forgive me, I can make it up to you - promise. The hiatus will continue through winter break (the logic being I'll be where all my readers live, and you'll get your Sal fix anyway) but I have posts already set up to post through MARCH after I get back. Seriously!
Here's what's coming up: as well as the one-weekly essays and prose pieces you're all familiar with, I've now started writing slam poetry to perform at the monthly poetry slams at my school, and that'll go up here after I perform it. Three poems per slam, one slam per month - so every month, I'll put up one of the previous month's poems every week. I also got started making little indexed-style charts about my life one night in the Gopher Hole, so some of those (the ones that aren't Goucher in-jokes) will make it up here as well. That's at least a THRICE WEEKLY update, possibly more if the charts start being superfun.
But wait! There's more! This won't go totally ignored over the holiday break - I know you all need something to waste - er, spend - your time reading, so I'll be posting reviews of online 'zines, webcomics, and other nonsense that I read religiously and think you might enjoy too. These will only be around for the break, though, because some of the stuff will suck you into 7+ years of archives and you'll be doing nothing but reading, and it'd be cruel to tempt you during school time. (But once you've read them, you'll get all the pointless little obscure references I'm always making.)


Brennan said...


Companionable Ills said...

:( hey, college was HARD. but i'll make it up to y'all!

Monica said...


Anonymous said...

I am so happy.
thisisindexed is cool.
thanks. :]