Wednesday, January 14, 2009

WOCAM, Inc. update

Causes for optimism in the new year:

Proposed legislation to end drug advertising. Sign the petition here. I'm keeping an eye on this act, expect updates. Studies have found that drug advertising can have a negative effect on consumers and patients - it's been linked to issues like overprescription and patients being prescribed more expensive drugs for no reason.

Eli Lilly illegally marketed the antipsychotic Zyprexa for unauthorized uses and to patients especially at-risk for the side effects. No summary I could give would properly describe just how enraging and wrong many of their actions were, so read the article. It also says that most of the major drug companies are facing similar charges, which means that finally someone is holding them accountable and exposing their dangers.

While this isn't a law, it's a new code from PRhMA that's notably more strict than previous codes and is anticipatory of new legislation that would legally mirror the professional code. Read a shorter article here.

1 comment:

Monica said...

YAY!!! just signed that petition and am sending the link to my mom now.