Monday, October 8, 2007

IB Victim Support

Today they (the proverbial They, of “The System") handed out a flyer for an IB parent support group. Now, something has to be pretty rough when they have a support group for “parents of…”

But, uh, where’s our support group? Seriously, folks.

It would be more like an addiction meeting than a cancer support group – after all, as victimized as we make ourselves out to be, we did this to ourselves. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and now we hate it - but we’re in so deep it’d be equally painful to quit.
Here’s how it would go:

Hi, I’m Sal.
Hi, Sal.
I first heard about IB as a kid, in elementary school. I started slow, you know, Pre-IB in middle school. Nobody thinks it’s such a big deal – I mean lots of middle schoolers do honors classes, and it’s not much extra work. It was actually kinda fun when I first started.
Then in high school I started hitting the harder stuff. It was just a natural step from Pre-IB, I guess. They told me I could quit anytime; it would always be a choice. It doesn’t feel like a daily choice anymore.
Understanding nods.
I knew it would be hard, and you’d always be at risk for losing your diploma. I’d seen kids get into that stuff and lose their boyfriends, their families, their social lives, their jobs, everything. All they did was IB. I knew what it did, how it made you lose sleep and everything. I knew, I knew! I don’t understand what made me decide to start it. Maybe it was the pressure – all my friends were doing it - even the teachers made it sound so awesome.
I don’t know why I started. It’s just so hard to quit! It’s eaten up my life… if I left, where would I go? All my friends and all my classes are IB. I still like the high, I do… the TOK class, the kids, the teachers, the feeling of accomplishment… I’m just sick of the crashes. The times I wonder if it’s really all worth it in the end, or when the work gets to be too much. I don’t know how much more I can take.
Muted clapping.

Wow. That was a moving story. Thanks for sharing. Stay strong, sister! We believe in you.

Next meeting is Thursday at 3am – no whining, you’ll all be up anyway.
Begrudging nods.
Remember to tell your parents about the support group for them. Topics will include “Calculus and Cold Chicken: When They Just Can’t Come Down To Dinner”, “Clarifying Condoned CAS: What Counts, What’s Copulation” and “Computer Time: They Have An EE To Do, So Shut Up And Live Without It Or Buy Another One, Cheapskates”. [Note: The second talk topic has been canceled due to lack of interest. Apparently parents of IB kids don’t worry too much about their kids having sex.]

Disclaimer: Okay, so IB is slightly more enjoyable than a meth addiction. And we do have a pretty solid support system in our fellow students and teachers. This bitter nature of this post is brought to you by sponsors Extended Essay, CAS, TOK Perception Essay, and Bio Lab. Blaargh.


Anonymous said...

whoever (probably my mother) put "support group" on top of that flyer is slightly retarded.

and between you and me, CAS is always copulation.


Anonymous said...

Highs? What highs? IB is like one giant meth addiction that went horribly horribly wrong. It's just a straight downhill slide, with no added benefits except for the severe, long-lasting health hazards and psychological traumas. Oh wait. Those are supposed to be bad. Never mind then. The only time I ever experience the slightest vague feeling of relief is when I find myself facing FOUR hours of homework instead of FOURTEEN. What a blessing.


Companionable Ills said...

roi: hahahaha true and true.

kaoru: I'm sorry. :( I do enjoy a lot of IB - I don't think I could keep such an upbeat blog if I didn't. I love the rapport, the teachers, you guys, and a lot of what we learn. lately things have been extra-rough but come on, you seriously never enjoy at least some of it? Hugs.

Monica said...

I'm fairly sure just about the only thing about IB that I enjoy is the people with which it's thrown me together.
That, of course, is a very large part of IB, and so generally it's worth it.

"I'm fairly sure just about the only thing..." Goodness, I really like to be vague. That is a horrible habit.

Companionable Ills said...

side note: yay! I am not getting yelled at for the non-PC hyperbole analogy!

monica: that's def. my favorite thing about IB - I also like the classes, for the most part. I don't like the work but I like the fact that I have done the work and now know all the stuff and have a million pages worth of essays written.