Wednesday, August 1, 2007

1000BWC - Offensively Religious Version

IB kids have minds that may be mature in other areas, but when it comes down to it, we're all the same hormonal teenagers the rest of the world is so familiar with. We're just a little bit more esoterically-intellectual with our immaturity. (see "Ted Kennedy killed your mom"). Something we all find incredibly amusing is being as non-PC and offensive as we can possibly be at each other.

During the game, we had two Jews, one of whom is also a Christian, making 3 Christians, and two atheists, for a total of six smart, snarky players.

This card is terrible. It's terribly anti-Semitic, terribly offensive, and terribly funny. (Note the grammatical error.) And I'm Jewish. But, see, we kind of asked for it, since the other Jewish player made the following card:

I have no idea what the shark attack or speech bubble has to do with anything. I don't think he did either.

Note how both cards poking fun at the Jewish players contain spelling errors.

This is me teasing Tilapia, because he works at Starbucks and apparently there's a Bible study group that meets there at 4:30 in the morning, forcing them to actually open when they open.

Roi made this after getting tired of all the religious-themed cards.

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