Sunday, August 5, 2007

IB Kids Applaud Their Parents (thus creating awkwardness)

Sorry guys, this died a little over the summer. School starts in a week and hopefully senior year will provide lots of material.
The other night was the IB Meeting, which was boring except for the Moment Roi and I caused.

History Teacher: I introduce the next speaker, Mrs. Roi's Mom!
Me and Roi: *clapping and cheering*
Entire room: *silent*
Me and Roi: *loud laughter*
Entire room: *silent*
Mrs. Roi's Mom: ...I'm her mom.


Monica said...

I can very easily see that happening.

I missed that meeting (because, you know, you didn't see me there). How was it? Was it important?

Companionable Ills said...

no, it was mostly for incoming freshmen; they didn't address our concerns much. they did say this:
"Our IB program right now is really, really good. And that worries me. Because good is the enemy of great."
at that point Roi and I attempted to OD on cheap fruit punch.

Monica said...

To reply to your other comment:
I'm living in fear.
I am, however, curious as to what my nickname would be. Haha.

And to reply to this comment:

Companionable Ills said...

I let people pick their own, mostly, as part of my Make More Friends Than Enemies plan. There's an entry somewhere that talks about various people choosing their nicknames.
oh, and you better be afraid. VERY VERY AFRAID